I had agonized over which MBTI type I am for -years-.
Everything changed when I started journaling daily -and- reflecting on what I wrote with the help of AI.
It works because writing is a record of your cognitive processes, not -merely- your behaviors, feelings or wishes.
For a long time, I thought I was an ENFJ because I want to have a huge impact on society, but that’s a (very vague) goal, not a cognitive process.
I’m an INTJ — not because I think it’s cool or want to be one really badly, but because it’s inescapable when I, assisted by AI, analyze massive amounts of my own cognitive processing.
I can’t help but think in abstractions, strategies, and systems for external. goal-oriented impact.
My type is so clear to me now. It’s such a cognitive relief, as someone who was borderline obsessed with this topic, to have an answer I can be confident in. Try this strategy for yourself, and let me know how it works for you!